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Painting your Property with LED can be beneficial in more ways than one.
Our state of the art RGH LED technology can help draw more attention to your proerpty as well as save on energy usage and maintenance.
Whether you want to drive more business, or just upgrade to a better lighting system; color LED is the ultimate eye catcher.
Check out our blog for one of our Color light projects HERE
To get started on your next color project, CONTACT US.
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LED Technology is the perfect fit for your parking lot.
LED provides better light direction, imporving visiblity. With this property we saw a 45% light improvement.
LED is also very energy effieint. Switching from tradational lighting to LED on this project helped save 65% of their energy usage. Lower energy usage, means a lower electricity bil.
To improve your parking lot, CONTACT US, for a FREE initial inspection
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Make sure your exterior lighting is bright, beautiful, and energy efficcient.
We can provide lighting designs with our FREE intial inspection, to make sure your lights are being used at their best.
Our lighting expertise and top tier energy efficient LED products can give you the best lighting for your property.
On this project we were able to improve their lighting over 30%, as well as cut their energy usage by 50%.
If you want to see if we can also cut your energy in half, CONTACT US, for a FREE initial inspection.
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Interior Lighting can be the difference between an innovative workspace or a boring inefficient workzone.
Improve your lighting as well as save on elecricity with LED technology.
Our experts can make sure you have th best possible lighting for your property, with lighting designs and photmetric reports.
Check out our blog HERE, detailing the importance a shade of light can have on your property.
To see what we our experts can do, CONTACT US, for a FREE consultation.